Doing the Senior Thing

I am down to my last semester at University, and even though school has only been in session a few weeks, I have been running like crazy!

The prospect of graduating from college and joining the work force is rather terrifying, especially since I am not entirely sure what I am going to do with myself XDDD

But the biggest thing I have on my plate right now is my senior exhibition. It’s scary because my exhibition is what all of my schooling has been leading up to, but I feel like I am already cramped for time. Hopefully I can keep it together until the opening day!!

On another note, I was able to take another life drawing class this semester, and I have really been enjoying it!

Here is some of the work I’ve done so far 🙂

Bones Reclining pose Unfinished

Karen Katz’s Beautiful Baby Books

Back in the day, I used to chill with babies a lot. I worked as a daycare teacher for five years, it was a both traumatizing and gratifying experience XD

One of the things I hated about the daycare was all of the stupid, pointless, plot-less  ugly, cardboard backed, dollar bin books I had to read to my class. Granted there are a ton of beautiful, intricate children’s books out there, that can entertain, not only children but the adults reading them, as well (like Jan Brett or Jon J Muth)….unfortunately most of them are not terror-toddler-army proof and are eaten or ripped to pieces in a matter of minutes.

But I did love one series in particular, Karen Katz’s books like these:counting-kisses-karen-katz-hardcover-cover-artMy First Chinese New Year


The stories are sweet and simple. The text is short enough to keep the attention span of a toddler and the poor teacher who is reading it for the fifty-thousandth time. But it’s the art I love. Karen’s love of fabrics, folk art and Matisse come together as a winning combination in her beautiful illustrations. Her work is full of vibrant colors and patterns, and Katz’s way of depicting the figures is charming, inviting and drop dead adorable.



So, if you have young children…or just happen to be browsing the kid’s section at Barnes & Noble, you should take a look at these adorable little books!

Ah, Hello 2013: Ribbons and Wrappings

Year changes always throw me off, but luckily I’ve been trying to write 2013 on everything for the last couple years, so this new year shouldn’t be as difficult to adapt to.

Hopefully you all had an excellent Christmas and New Years (have all of you given up on your resolutions already (like me, whoops) or are you still truckin?)

My resolution was to stop eating things I was allergic to (hi, all you delicious dairy products) and try have healthier food habits in general. Also, I just ate ice cream for dinner.

Failed resolution aside I am REALLY excited for this year, lots of fun new things are on the way!

One thing I always do to herald in the new year is……buy a bunch or ribbon.


All of that lovely Holiday ribbon that cost an arm and a leg is now probably under a dollar a roll, so I always stock up!

There is nothing better than wrapping gifts and tying it up with a big sparkly ribbon! Beautiful wrappings by my partner's mom

I like to match my wrappings to the person I’m giving the gift to. Like stamping little vampires on plain paper and wrapping with a black bow for a friend who loves Gothic  things, Dracula especially, but also admires simplicity!


Do any of you have any wrapping tips or tales? Post them here! I’d love to hear from you ❤